Slideshows are a great way to engage an audience and present knowledge. This format allows for combining images with audio, providing an engaging alternative to video content.
How to add a Slideshow activity:
You can add a slideshow activity to a new section or an existing section.
For a new section, you should see the Slideshow activity in the various options of activities.
For an existing section, navigate to your desired section, select 'Add Content', then 'Media', and select the Slideshow activity.
Adding, removing, and managing slide order
To add a new slide to a slideshow activity, click on 'Add slide', and a new slide will be added to the bottom.
To delete a slide, click on the circle icon with the minus sign on the right part of the slide.
To change the slide order, hold down your mouse on the drag icon on the left and drag the slide up or down.
Editing slide content
To change the caption, click on "Slide 1", "Slide 2", etc., and add the desired text.
To add a new image, click on 'Image' on the left. You can pick one from the gallery or add a new one. To edit or delete your image, hover over the thumbnail and click on the circle with the minus icon, then choose a new image.
To add a new audio track, click "Choose Audio" and pick your desired audio file. To edit or delete the audio, click on the minus icon and choose the new file.
To modify the duration of the slide, choose the desired option under "Time allocated".
The duration will automatically be updated every time you choose an audio file based on the duration of the audio file. You can override this by choosing a different time under "Time allocated".
Adjust settings:
You can add background audio to the entire slideshow, which will play at a lower volume behind your audio tracks and loops.
You can adjust your transition type with the options given.
Slide: An animation where the photo appears to be swiped from left to right.
Fade: A gentle crossfade from one photo to the next.
When to use Slideshow:
When presenting a series of related images or visual content.
To provide a visual and auditory learning experience.
As an alternative to video content for presenting information.
Read more about managing all media content, including audio and images here .