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Publishing and sharing your makeshapes experiences

Getting your experience ready for participants

Cody Iddings avatar
Written by Cody Iddings
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Before sharing your Makeshapes experience with participants, you need to publish it. The Publish button is active as soon as you create your experience. To publish, click on Publish on the top right, customise your URL, and click on Publish again.

Once published, you can access the experience URL by clicking on Share (where the publish button used to be). Share this URL with your hosts and participants.

After the initial publish, you'll see a Publish changes button to update the published version. You will also see a Published backup in the version control, with the name of the team member who published.


Can I change my share URL once I publish?

If you need to reset or change your shared URL, please contact us using the chat icon on the bottom right or email us at [email protected].

Why are my participants seeing different content than what I have created?

Ensure that you publish your changes for the participants to see the latest version.

Can I preview content before I publish?

Yes, you can use the preview functionality to view the content before publishing.

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